Monday 19 October 2009

Cell Phones

Cell phones have become the norm. Everywhere you go all people have one. Young or old, rich or poor, almost everyone has one. It's amazing though how much cell phones have changed. I go my first cell phone when I was in 8th grade. For the time it was pretty up-to-date. It had a camera, color screen, and bluetooth capability. I am now a senior and have an iPhone. I barely know half the things my phone can do. And, when i begin to figure out some of the features, Apple makes ten more features I have to figure out how to use. My dad told me about the first cell phones and when he got one. He said the first cell phones were big and bulky, about the size of a military grade walkie-talkie. There was no screen, only a small display where you could type in the numbers. They had horrible reception and almost no one had a cell phone. This was between the 80's and 90's. No cell phones can do everything under the sun. Besides unlimted calling and texting features most phones have internet access. Many phones, now, are just as good, if not better, than a computer. I see people writing emails, checking their facebook, even doing their taxes on their phones. Maybe not doing their taxes yet, but I'm sure that will happen in the near future. Cell phones can also be used to replace an iPod or a digital movie player. Everything you could want is on there. And now that prices are lower than ever, almost anyone can afford a good cellphone. I think all the features available are cool, yet it seems that everyone is so engrossed in their cell phones. You could be having a conversation with someone, and right tehre in front of you that person will be on their cell phone having a conversation with three other people. I find that a bit ridiculous. Soon we will have video chat on our cell phones, many nokia phones are already equipped with video camera for this. I wonder how that will turn out...

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