Saturday 31 October 2009

Technology in the Classroom

I keep talking about technology and how it influences so many aspects of our lives, yet a managed to overlook the classroom. We spend such big parts of our lives in the classroom yet I never realized how much we use technology. I remember when chalk boards and textbooks were the only things teachers used to teach. I rememeber when they introduced those huge light projectors which you could only use that see through paper to write on. Then they introduced TV's into some classrooms so we could watch videos on them. Now they have high tech projectors in every room with surround sound speakers. We can see anything from power points to internet videos on these projectors. Many classes use online textbooks now and even the chalkboard has been replaced. All my teahers use expo marker boards and I now see more and more teachers using smart boards. Its crazy how when I was in 2nd grade chalk boards were the only piece of equipment used by teachers. Now they have everything under the sun to help them teach. And the funny thing is, most students don't think twice when something is displayed on a the projector rather than it being written down on the board.


  1. This is very true. It is incredible how much technology affects our lives and we realize it to a certain extent. I too, hadn't thought about technology usage in the classroom, which seems odd because a majority of our week is spent at school. I remember just a few years ago having those huge light projectors in the classroom. They were so big that the teacher always struggled with where to fit it in the classroom, and if you were unlikely enough to sit behind the projector, you couldn't see the board. How, we have our small projectors hanging from the ceiling connected to laptops, displaying powerpoint slides.

  2. This is an interesting point. I believe that since students that may be younger, haven't been influenced by other means of teaching so they have grown accustomed to the use of technology in the classroom.

  3. I find you're point very interesting. I completely agree with you that technology plays a major part in our lives.
