Wednesday 4 November 2009


Recently we talked about how our attention span in reading has gone down due to technology. Because of this fact I will try not to make my post too long. CCTV is a big part of life in London. Everywhere you look there is a camera looking down to see exactly what you are doing. People say London is the most watched city in the world. If there are so many cameras in this city, why do so many criminals get off without getting caught? People around me are always getting mugged, and in the paper you constantly hear about some poor kid getting stabbed to death. Why are these people not getting caught? If there are so many cameras here why are there so many criminals roaming the streets? You would think the Metro Police would be able to catch most of these criminals because of the cameras. Yet, in the paper, after I read about that 14-year old getting stab, I am told that the assailant was not apprehended (and probably will never be caught). You would this with all this advanced security technology crime would go down in a city like London. However, according to recent data, crime has in fact gone up in our fair city. Where is technology when you really need it?


  1. I find this interesting, and also wonder how so many crimes go on without punishment. My home has a CCTV camera outside of it, and at first when I moved here I found it strange. I wonder if CCTV actually helps 50% of the time.

  2. I think people go on and on about how CCTV cameras our destroying our personal freedoms or whatever, but all I know is that when our car was stolen, they found who did it by the cameras from the bank across the street. The terrorist bombers in London were identified by Tube cameras. There are a billion other examples. It may seem like a Big Brother situation, but it's not - it's helping us. And if you're not doing anything wrong, then how can it hurt you? Sorry, off my soapbox now...

  3. This is a very good point and I have wondered the same thing. Though, perhaps we are not thinking of how many people the police have caught already because of CCTV. Perhaps we don't know realize how much they are helping. Also, the knowledge of the CCTV cameras being around could be preventing crime, you know? If criminals know there are CCTVs all over the place, they might be more careful or quit all together.
    Though, there really should be a many more people getting caught for their crimes. I hope the cameras can help the police in the future.
