Friday 13 November 2009

Mac or PC?

When I was younger I only used a PC. The first computer my family ever got was this huge Dell with windows 95. Then we moved onto a HP, just as big, then finally the last desktop we got was a Gateway. Up until 10th grade I had only used Mac's in school. For some reason our school loved Macs. At the time I was never particularly fond of Macs, you couldn't play all the cool games that PC had. But by the time I was in 10th grade, almost everyone i knew who had a laptop, had one from Mac. I've never been very good with computers, so I never really saw the difference. Yet all my friends who had a Mac loved them so much. It was like a cult following. I eventually needed a laptop for school, so my parents bought me a Mac. I like it, but I really dont see how it is superior to a PC. I mean, I would rather have a Mac, but I dont really understand the difference. Apple is clearly making a lot of money because of these Mac computers, everywhere you go you see someone with it. Yet it may come as a surprise to you, but PC making companies sell astronomically more computers than Apple does, hence they make bigger profits. Weird right?


  1. Speaking from personal experience, as I have had both, I really do not think they are that different. Both have thier ups an downs but what does not? I really want to know why exactly this school only uses macs for the students and yet all of the teachers have PCs? Why is that???

  2. As a PC owner I'd like to say that even I prefer Macs...

  3. I believe Macs are used for a more casual group of people. The trump the PC when talking about ease of use and sometimes speed. I think the PC should only be used for more "power driven" things like graphic designing, game creation, etc.
