Thursday 12 November 2009


Though this a technology blog, I want to talk about nature. I feel people now days are not getting in touch with nature as much as people used to. My parents said they used to spend hours upon hours in the woods and outdoors. When I was younger, my friends and I used to hang out in the woods behind our houses, playing manhunt and things like that. Yet when the first game system came out, I saw a drastic change in our hang-out patterns. As more and more people got video games, we started to spend less and less time outside. Then, when we got into higher grades we had to spend more time doing our homework. Eventually the only time we spent outside was during sports practices and around the swimming pool. This decline in outdoor activities is sad. Eventually, camping and hiking will be a long forgotten memory. And, according to many ecologists, this is part of the reason we are experiencing global climate changes. Many of us no longer understand nature, and therefore have no connection to it. How can we protect something that we know nothing about?


  1. When I was younger I loved to watch TV, but at the same time I was big on playing around the garden. I was always running around my neighborhood with the other kids. I feel that asgenerations pass this practice of playing outdoors with your neighbors and enjoying nature is decreasing. Now, when I go back to where I spent my childhood, the streets are not filled with kids but rather the front windows of homes are glowing with the light of a television.

  2. I definitely agree with this. Until my mom was 18 she had the woods in her backyard, and she spent much of her time there, something I am jealous of. I have always wished I could do more hiking, camping, kayaking, and other outdoorsy activities. Unfortunately, my family are not big fans of that sort of thing, and it's hard living in the city to find somewhere to hike, haha. Though, I do not get a chance participate in outdoor activities like this regularly, I do still feel deeply connected to nature when I am able to experience that, and I do care a lot about saving the environment. Perhaps if people put down a video game and climbed a tree, they might understand better...
