Wednesday 4 November 2009

Money in Blogging

I keep hearing about these idiots who are making a lot of money by blogging. I went onto to check it out for myself. Some of these people started blogs just to talk about themselves and their boring lives and are now rolling in dough. Others have essentially made "" blogs where they chronicle every waking moment of stupid celebrities and their dysfunctional lives. Well, I thought to myself, after reading about these fools who have made up to a million dollars a year blogging, I have one question: Where the heck is my money? Some of these blogs have THEE WORST grammar I have ever seen, and most can barely put a proper sentence together. Others fill their blogs with useless images of cats and other things like that. I don't mean to toot my own horn or anything, but at least I can write a proper sentence with adequate grammar. Yet I have not made a single penny in my blogging experience. Maybe if I start rumaging through the garbage cans of this year's B-list celebrities and post my findings online or put up stupid pictures of my family doing absolutely nothing, maybe then I can make some money. Then again, if that's what it takes to make a buck in this business, then maybe I'm not cut out for it.


  1. I find some blogs really interesting, and don't exactly find all of the successful bloggers out their idiots. I feel that they saw a growing market, which just happened to be unique compared to most other businesses, and took the opportunity. If I had known that things like would have blown up they way they had, I may have thought differently about blogging pre blogging boom.

  2. I see both of your points here. Some blogs aren't boring at all. My favorite blog is It's a fantastic blog about new environmentally friendly technology, something I am very interested in.
    There are, however, other things that far too many people are interested in, if not obsessed with and dependent on, which is celebrities' lives and gossip about them. I don't quite understand people are so fascinated with this, but they are, and these pointless blogs like Perez Hilton give the people what they want: useless trash about celebrities.
    People who can actually make clear and coherent points in their well thought-out and grammatically correct sentences, don't do quite as well financially. It's sad, but not enough people are interested in reading about intelligent subjects anymore.
