Thursday 5 November 2009

When Headphones Annoy

You know what really annoys me? When people wear headphones and listen to their iPod ALL the time. I see more and more people wearing headphones everywhere they go. I see people wearing them when tehy are walking from one class to another. That is ok I guess, I mean if you want to go deaf by age 30. But what really annoys me is when you are talking to someone and they have one headphone on (or somtimes both) and are talking to you at the same time. You can't honestly keep up a conversation with someone while listening to 50 cent. I mean, what happend to common courtesy? There are som things that you just don't do around people. You don't chew with your mouth open, you don't spit in the street and you don't listen to your iPod and talk to someone at the same time. What is the world coming to?


  1. I completely agree! I feel like their headphones have become tenticles that are growing out their ears, as they never seem to leave their ears.

  2. Ugh, I know, it is always so annoying when people do that. People need to concentrate on one thing - I know it's "multi-tasking" but I think it's just rude.

  3. I completely agree. It is very uneccesary to listen to music all the time. When talking to someone i expect some attention. If a person has earphons in they are either waerig earphones and not listening to music or talking while listening to music, both of which are completely pointless.
