Wednesday 18 November 2009

Personal Information

I just read an article on about how some T-moblie employees sold the personal data of millions of its customers. This information was sold to list brokers who then sell the information to telemarketers or rival companies. This is a big problem because it is not only these employees who do this. Everytime you use you nectar points card, that infromation about what products you bought is recorded then sold by the nectar company to other companies. These companies then sell the information to outside sources who use the info to get you to buy different things. sainsburys can buy that information about you then uses it to send you emails or call your house to try and get you to buy their products that your normally buy. This is crazy because it seems that everytime you write down your telephone number or email somwhere, someone else is getting you personal data and using it to sell you something. For now it is just annoying telemarketers calling up, but later on this personal data could be used in a bad way, to harm you. That is what will be very bad.


  1. Sometimes I get really freaked out about the information I am sharing in fear that it will end up in the wrong hands.

  2. This an interesting point. The fact that your information is stored is one thing, but that companies sell it without the consumer not fully knowing it almost crossing a border.

  3. I'm almost certain that my information has been sold through Vodaphone - I get calls sometimes on my cell from tellemarketers, who are not supposed to have my number. How did they get it? No one at my service will tell me, but I'm betting they're making a pretty penny out of it.

  4. This is scary that legitimate companies like T-Mobile give out your personal information. I had a T-Mobile account for several years, my information is probably out there somewhere. This seems to be a very controversial issue not only with companies like T-Mobile but also with networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.
