Friday 16 October 2009

Technology Blogging?

I'm quite bad at using technology. Posting to forums, downloading things, its all another language to me. The most I really use the computer for is to write essays, check emails, and download movies and music. To old people this may seem like a lot of use of technology, yet to the people of my generation, it is a drop in the ocean. I know people who build websites and design programs with ease, while I am sitting in front of a computer screen struggling to figure out how to turn on Garage Band.
Almost all aspects of our lives involve technology. Even acts as rudimentary as walking somewhere can encompass a world of technology. People all around me use iPhones and GPS's to find their way around a city. I'll be honest, I have an iPhone and I do use the GPS feature, but whatever happened to using a good old map? In 9th grade my english class read a book about how technology would take over the world. The book was called Fahrenheit 451 and it was written in 1952. Yet the ideas were pretty clear, technology will take over the world, and the take over has already started.

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