Thursday 29 October 2009


Even music has become more technologically advanced. It seems that at more and more parties people are listening to techno music. I am assuming that the word techno has something to do with technology. Don't get me wrong, I really like techno music, but it seems like even this facet of my like is being taken over by technology. I realized this when one of my friends showed me a techno song he made. It was very good and I asked how he made it, to which he replied "computer, course." Wow, I thought, even music could be made using the computer, very good music at that. Sometimes I wish I had the computer skills to make music like that. But its great that I don't have to wait months to hear a good new song, I can just get one from my friend. I only have to wait one afternoon. DJ'ing, which is how a lot of techno music is made, is now done on computers as well. Its great and you can hear a lot of great new music as well. People can now even mix up two really good songs on the computer and come up with an even better one. Computers have done wonders for techno music.

1 comment:

  1. Since I was young, I had always loved techno and house music. I find the style of music amazing, and it is all due to the technology behind it. DJs would not have a career without technology, and I am extremely greatful that technology has influenced music, as most of my I-Pod is filled with techno.
