Saturday 31 October 2009


Well it's Halloween again. I love this holiday. When I was little I loved Halloween because you could get free candy. Now I love it because you can dress up as anything and you can see others dress up even more ridiculously. Surprisingly, though, technology has not really invaded Halloween costumes. Costumes are a pretty big deal here, but when I lived in the states that had HUGE stores that were devoted only to Halloween costumes. The weird thing is, however, that the method for picking costumes is pretty much the same as when I was a little kid. You go to PartyCity or whatever, look at the huge board of costumes then hope that the one you want is not sold out. Now, obviously, you can go online and find a costume, but the process is pretty much the same. The only place I saw technology invade Halloween was when I saw someone dressed as an iPod. Yet even this costume was hand made with cardboard. Hopefully we will be able to continue this tradition of having cool, non-technology costumes for
Halloween. Happy Halloween everyone!


  1. Cute post, I was thinking about blogging about Halloween too. I think its funny how technology has led to influencing people's costumes.

  2. This is interesting. I hadn't thought about technology affecting Halloween. I know that you argue that technology does not drastically affect Halloween, but I don't necessarily agree. I think simply the fact that we all find our costumes online rather than at a big store, is huge difference. We can go Google whatever costume we like and find it. When we go into a store we have to sort through all the costumes.
    When I think about this, though. I wonder how much has technology affected other holidays too?
