Friday 16 October 2009

Blackberrys? Hate 'em

Yeah, just now I couldn't figure out how to copy and paste something on another persons blog. Technology and I are an epic fail.
But lets talk about Blackberrys. I really hate them. Everyone has them. People always come to me and ask me what my bbm pin is. When i tell them I don't have a Blackberry they look at me like I'm and alien or something. I'm sure I wouldn't hate them so much if everyone didn't have them. Come to think of it I might, just might, consider getting one if only one or two people i know have them (that brick breaker game is unreal). But why does everyone feel the need to get one? iPhones are obviously superior, and, at least in the UK, services are pretty much the same, so what is the great incentive to get one? What can you do on a Blackberry that you cannot do on an iPhone? bbm? If you honestly got a Blackberry because of bbm, then I just lost a lot of respect for you. Basically, if you are planning to get a Blackberry, don't get one. It's a waste. Trust me.


  1. i sense a bit of jealousy against those who actually have blackberrys and like to see your argument played out in proof that blackberrys are not as good as they seem to be... but very interesting post otherwise (i also love the picture! haha)

  2. Actually, i have a blackberry and I feel that iPhones are inferior to them. The touch-typing on iPhones is unbearable. And brickbreaker is awesome. I agree with technculture40...I sense some jealousy ;)
